HQAir Professional Hydroxyl Unit
Significantly reduce the risk of airborne and surface viruses and bacteria with HQ Air.
Use the HQAir Control App to manage multiple hydroxyl units on the same network. Perfect for large jobs with multiple floors. Watch the demonstration video by clicking on the "Videos" tab.

The Most Powerful Indoor Air Purification and Sanitisation System for homes and offices, classrooms and areas up to 50sqm
The HQ Air Professional unit is not much bigger than the size of a pizza box, lightweight and durable it is easily mounted on any internal wall and plugged into any 240V outlet. A single unit effectively decontaminates rooms approximately 40-70m2 making the HQ Air Professional ideal for any room in the home, office, small retail store or classroom.
Comes with metal feet with rubber protective pads. The Profesional unit is also able to be wall or ceiling mounted
Complete confidence in your environment
An exceptionally fast, safe and effective air and surface treatment system which removes 99.99% of surface and air pathogens (including COVID-19). Using powerful “Hydroxyl Generation based Technology”, HQ Air offers you a 24/7 Effective Air Treatment System – reducing the risk and spread of viruses and bacteria and providing a safer working environment for customers and staff.
- Removes 99.99% of viruses & bacteria (Covid19 / Influenza / Common Cold)
- Eliminates Mould and Destroys mould spores
- Neutralizes Odors and Smells from Volatile Organic Compounds
- Proven and Extensively Tested Technology as in FDA approved Class II Medical Devices
- Chemical free completely safe and environmentally friendly
- Offers a Simple “Scalable Solution” for Effective Air Treatment
The only technology to work on both surface and airborne contaminants:
- Odours
- Influenza
- Mould
- Escherichia
- Staphyococcus
What are Hydroxyls?
Hydroxyls (HO) are naturally occurring radicals. They are created in our atmosphere when the suns ultraviolet rays react with water vapour in the air. In outside air, they are constantly replenished to a steady state of between 0.5 and 2.6 million molecules per cubic centimetre. Inside a normal room, or outdoors in a polluted city, the level of hydroxyls is zero. Hydroxyls are an important agent that scrub and cleanse our planet's environment. HQAir Hydroxyl Generators replicate this naturally occurring process and bring it indoors.
How do Hydroxyls Clean Surfaces and Hard to Reach Places?
Once the Hydroxyls are created, they are sent to 'Seek and Destroy" Odour Molecules, Bacteria, Viruses, Mould, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) and other chemicals.
This system is unique as it does not require all of the contaminants within a room to pass through the processing chamber. Outside the device, the Hydroxyls immediately begin a cascade reaction in the air, thus creating even more hydroxyls. The cascade of hydroxyls quickly disperse throughout the air and penetrates surfaces, objects and reach places that otherwise can't be reached. Other technologies only clean or filter the air that passes through the device (a small percentage of the air in the room)
How Does it Kill Mould?
As well as directly destroying spores, the HQAir system treats infected areas by cutting off the food source for mould. As a result, there is nothing for mould to feed on since the very bacteria and micro-organisms that it relies on to survive have been killed. Only this way can mould be rendered inert.
Are Hydroxyl Generators Safe to Run in Occupied Areas?
HQAir Hydroxyl generators developed by HGI are safe to run (and have been independently tested) in occupied areas. Unlike ozone and harsh chemicals, hydroxyl are completely safe for people, pets and plants. They will not damage rubber, plastic, leather, vinyl, electronics or other sensitive materials. They will also not bleach or discolour items - wet or dry.
How Long Does it Take to Work?
Hydroxyls are very fast-acting and do their work through a chemical reaction. There needs to be a high enough concentration - if there is no noticeable reduction in odour, a second or stronger device may be required. Results are often noticeable within the first few minutes of operation, with heavy odours being permanently eliminated within days (after 3-4 days)
Do Hydroxyls Smell?
Hydroxyls themselves don't have any smell. When hydroxyls interact with the environment, that may create some odour. If the odour is too strong, turn the fan speed on your device to a lower setting. The odour may be strong initially as a room is first treated.
The Odour/Mould that was treated is gone, will it come back?
Air and Surfaces will be fully treated. If the cause (urine, feces, smoke, cleaning agents, mould, etc) is within/embedded in the material, the device will need to be run until the source is exhausted or removed. You can also damp (wet) down the surface and re-treat to improve results.
You breathe 20,000 times a day – but how healthy is the air in your home?
It might seem that the air inside your home is healthy, but is it really? In most homes, it’s a cocktail of odour molecules, bacteria, viruses and volatile organic compounds.
In fact, the air in your home can be 5 to 100 times more polluted than the air outside.
Outside your home, the air contains atmospheric hydroxyls that are produced naturally by the sun’s ultra-violet rays. These are radical molecules that grab onto harmful particles and destroy them, continually cleansing the air and surfaces. Yet inside your home, the level of hydroxyls is zero due to the absence of ultraviolet light.
Each Machine will do up to 150 cubic meters.
Download the app on Android store HQairCTl find unit to adjust hydroxyl and fan speed.
Clean pre filter regularly.