Trotec LD6000 Acoustic Leak Detector

Whether for line routing, leak encircling or pinpoint location – the advanced LD6000 and high-quality microphones of German manufacturing enable the capturing, signal processing and display of even the teensiest leakage sounds in as yet unknown dimensions.
With the LD6000, industrial users benefit from a universally applicable measuring instrument, which not only ensures quick and precise leak detection in wide supply networks, but by use of the hydrogen measurement method enables especially economic test methods, e.g. the tightness test of weld seams, valves, tanks, boilers, pressure lines or pump bodies.
The LD6000 provides manifold possible uses for utility companies' water loss analyses: Acoustic pinpoint location with highly sensitive ground microphones, trace gas leak detection in drinking water systems, route detection on metallic and non-metallic pipelines – or tightness tests of pipe connections and seals. Comprehensive equipment accessories like the ground, contact and palpation probe microphones make the LD6000 also a universal solution for quick and reliable leak detection in craft applications.
The LD6000 provides various adjustment possibilities for a quick and precise leak detection and can optionally be operated by the user via touchscreen or keys and control dials. Several default settings for many typical application cases are available for quick access, filters and further parameters can of course be configured individually.
The innovative LD6000 sets new standards in leak detection...
- Acoustic pinpoint location
- Pipework location
- Long-term measurement with logging function
- Trace gas detection
- all with only one device!
The principle of acoustic leak detection

On leaks in pressure pipes the with high speed outpouring water creates friction caused sound.
On the one hand the pipeline is made to vibrate. The sound that is generated is transmitted through the pipes and can be transformed into audible sound with a body sound microphone at a distant contact point (valve, hydrant, armature).
On the other hand the directly on the leak outpouring water creates sound, which are carried through the ground up to the surface. This sound can be picked up by a geophone and transformed into audible sound.
Diverse tasks

The innovative combination detector LD6000 is suitable for manifold tasks and makes acoustic and trace gas location with only one device possible:
- Acoustic pinpoint location with geophone.
- Location and pipeline tracing, also with plastic pipelines.
- Acoustic body sound measurement.
- Trace gas leak detection in drinking water networks.
- Leak detection and tightness testing on house installations and industrial pipings.
A few practical benefits:
- Acoustic and trace gas leak detection with only one device
- High-resolution colour graphic display with touchscreen function
- Unique in the world in this appliance class: the innovative smart function for a still quicker precise leak detection (patent-protected)
- Many typical cases of application already preassigned for quick access
- All filters and parameters can be freely configured
- Pipe location mode
- Meets the requirements for ear protection as per accident prevention regulation BGV B3 (formerly VBG 121) when using the original headphones
- Highly sensitive, robust precision microphones of German high-quality manufacturing